Thursday, 26 March 2020

Librarians are trained to work effectively in a climate of ambiguity!

In the library and information world, who could have predicted a few months ago that organisations would be pushed to change so rapidly; the genie is out of the bottle. Even if ‘eventually’ is now, it isn’t too late to prepare because I suspect that we have a long way to go; the effects of this pandemic will be prolonged and far reaching. As one historian wrote recently,

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

My Latest Blogpost Round-up: Collaboration

February was a prolific work blogging month where I enjoyed investigating the art (and science) of collaboration. As Vable's Topic Specialist I am happy to share ideas and thoughts on library management skills with law librarian colleagues around the world!

Friday, 24 January 2020

Some tips for avoiding anxiety at conferences

Library and information conferences for 2020

Library and information industry conferences, seminars, events offer attendees valuable opportunities for networking and continuing professional development. However they can also be anxiety inducing. 

If it’s any consolation for nervous first-timers, it can be just as bad for those going for the umteenth time. The truth is, we ALL get anxiety - some of us worse than others, but it affects every single one of us. 

Tuesday, 16 April 2019

4 Ways to Improve Your Law Firm’s Newsletters and Current Awareness

Vable Newsletter Logo
The key to a successful law firm client newsletter is more than just the right content. Include information that is relevant to the clients’ business, as items that may be interesting on a personal level. Then ensure you present it in the right way and remember to include a meaningful CTA - to have conversations further down the line.