Friday, 22 February 2019

How do you get everyone engaged in your BD strategy?

Marketing and business development (MBD) and client relationship management (CRM) is central to the ongoing growth and success of any organisation. After my conversation with the in-house lawyer, I was inspired to turn to another friend - let’s call her Fatima - for insight into the role of the legal business development specialist, and how it has changed.

It is clear from my conversation with her, and further research that marketing and business development leaders need to harness everyone’s ‘sales’ potential. One recent survey claimed that only 20% of firms get their lawyers involved in the sales process, so we must improve this. I conclude this post with a use-case scenario which brings together the three threads of discussion, and will hopefully get you and your colleagues inspired to become business development champions.

Here is my easy ABC:
  • Align your business strategies across the firm
  • Move Beyond the Buzzwords
  • Communication is key

Thursday, 7 February 2019

Useful Information Management Blogposts from 2018

Where were you for the start of 2019?
This was originally published on the current awareness based Vable blog in January but I wanted to keep a record of it here. Continuing Professional Development, and all that! I took a look over the best blogposts from 2018 - an exciting year when information awareness went mainstream from GDPR, as well as the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

We also attended various conferences to explore innovative and flexible approaches in the world of library and information work. With our own approaches to innovation and working with others, late last year we were proud to announce our MLex integration, as well as a partnership with Onelog